Finding Purpose Beyond Executive Leadership with Elisa Padilla
“To me, being kind and being a good person feels more like true success than being at the top of the mountain.”
Elisa Padilla
[EP002] – In this episode, Elisa and I discuss how simplifying tasks and leading with intention can make a big impact. Elisa explains how to create clear processes, build strong teams, and lead with purpose. Whether you’re leading a small project or a big team, this episode offers straightforward advice to help you succeed.
Highlights from this episode: Double check timeline and complete transcript
[02:24] Kick It by EP: The Inspiration
[06:13] Navigating Personal and Professional Loss
[15:25] Empowering the Next Generation
[21:47] Simplifying Success with a Team
[26:53] Navigating Career Choices and Future Plans
[28:08] Highlighting and Supporting Others
[31:58] Leadership and Legacy
Connect with Elisa Padilla:
Books or Resources Mentioned:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
A little bit about Elisa Padilla:
Elisa Padilla serves as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of the New York Red Bulls, a position she has held since September of 2023. She oversees the club’s marketing and communications teams. Padilla has over two decades of brand marketing experience in the sports and entertainment industry. Prior to her time with the Red Bulls, she served as the Senior Vice President of Creative Strategy and Partnership Marketing at Roc Nation in 2020. Padilla served as the Senior Vice President of Marketing for the Miami Marlins from 2018 to 2020 and was the Chief Marketing Officer at BSE Global, parent company of the Brooklyn Nets and Barclays Center, from 2010 to 2017. She has also worked for iconic brands such as Apple, HBO, and AT&T Mobility.
Founder and creator of LIVE Lunchtime Conversation, an IG Series to tell stories rooted in inspiration, education and paying it forward – @kickitbyep
Welcome to Choice, not Chance. Simplifying Success. I’m your host Marie Chindamo. In each episode, we’ll explore how to simplify life’s toughest decisions, helping you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters boldly. It’s simply directing your success. It’s time to stop leaving your future to chance and start making choices to shape your destiny.
Marie Chindamo: So, I am super excited to have Elisa Padilla on my podcast. You have been such an inspiration to me from when we worked together and in in thinking back about that experience, I think those days were like you and I in, I don’t know, in in the armed forces way, I look at it.
And so I do want to do an introduction. So my guest here, Elisa Padilla over two decades, oh my God, two decades of brand marketing experience in the sports and entertainment industry. You currently serve as the CMO of the New York Red Bulls. Very exciting. Overseeing the marketing and communications for the club.
And prior to that, you were the SVP of creative strategy and partnership marketing at Roc Nation. And then prior to that, SVP for the Miami Marlins. And then those golden years when you and I worked together, CMO at BSC, Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment. That was the parent company of the Brooklyn Nets and Barclays Center.
You were there seven years. So congratulations for that. You’ve also worked with iconic brands such as Apple, HBO, AT& T, Mobility. Really impressive. I need to know how you keep the stamina to do all of this because this is a lot, especially the BSE days. I don’t know about you, but it took a lot of energy out of me.
And then now recently on the side, cause it’s a fun thing. I didn’t even know that you did this. You have, you were the founder and creator of a live [00:02:00] lunchtime conversation and Instagram series, right? Instagram series to tell the stories rooted in inspiration, education, and paying it forward.
It’s called.
So I had the pleasure of listening to one of your interviews this morning, and I love it. Love, love it. So I’m excited to dig into that. What inspired that? If you don’t, maybe we could start there. What inspired you to start Kick It by EP?
Elisa Padilla: Yeah. So first of all, Marie, thank you so much for having me.
] I am. equally as inspired by you. I have, I love seeing everything that you’re doing. And really, how you have taken, your expertise to helping people. Kudos to you for everything that you’re doing and this, I’m humbled to be on your podcast. So thank you for having me.
] I think, you know what, Back in 2020 when I left the Marlins and came back to New York to join Rock Nation and in March of 2020 when the world shut down and the sports and entertainment completely shut down and a bunch of us were furloughed and I remember vividly like the next day I went for a walk with my dog and I was like, you know what, I need to turn this negative into a positive because we don’t know what’s going to happen.
And I thought, you know what, I’ve been in sports and entertainment for all these years and there are so many wonderful women who people don’t know anything about. They don’t know anything about any of these women. Instagram live was like the hottest thing back then, and knowing what I know about content, I was like, you know what, this is, let’s highlight women specifically and really think about what we need right now, and we need to be inspired, we need to be educated by these stories, and you know what, we need to pay it forward. Forward to take our experience and help others. And I started doing these 20 minute lives and it just, it like, it feel, it literally fuels my soul. And it is snappable, it’s snappable content. So it’s 20 minutes, five questions, and it’s all about sharing a story. And at the end, the guests to share their career insights, which is the paying it forward part of it.
I’ve done over 125 interviews and it’s been really great. And I currently on hiatus but I’m looking to relaunch in January of 2025.
Marie Chindamo: Wow. That’s impressive. 125. So you must have heard some really fantastic inspirational stories. Yeah. I’m really excited to look into that more because the one that I just heard, you had Amira Alvarez.
Elisa Padilla: Yeah.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. It was I want to hear more of just, if that’s all that, if that’s the similar stuff that you’ve been doing. Yeah. You’re right. We need it. We needed it in 2020 and we need it now. Yeah. Yes, yes, has changed, right? Yes, there’s a lot more interest in really choosing what you do, even if even in generations precede or after us, right?
Yeah, more conscious choices about what they’re doing with their careers, their lives and how they’re spending their time. And that’s why I wanted to, begin these podcasts about choice versus chance, personally, I grew up in a generation where we didn’t have a lot of thought around just being intentional.
It was more of you must do survival, whatever, you can fill in the blank. And I often think what would it be like if I had a little bit more of coach like myself back in the day. Yeah. But then again, let me think about that. I’ve always think too. I always had a vision of my future self to aspire to be.
So I was my own coach. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, thank you for putting that stuff out in the world because that’s just really helpful. And listen, it’s something you’re doing on your time, on your lunch hour. No motive. And it’s just putting that energy out in the world, which is really helpful.
So that’s it.
Elisa Padilla: Absolutely. And I think, the, when you think about, the choices that you make and being intentional, I think that for so long, and this is very personal for me, like for so long, My title defined who I was, right? It was my identity. And when 2020 happened, it was like, there was such a sense of loss in terms of, I lost my father in 2019.
I lost my job, which I felt at the time that was my identity. And then later that year I lost my older brother and it was such, and we were in the midst of a pandemic and then the following year, I started like the world started to open up a little bit. I started doing consulting work and then I lost my mother.
So like the. The loss and making the choice to transform myself because I had only, I was, I had only seen myself as a marketing executive
Marie Chindamo: and
Elisa Padilla: now it’s I don’t have that, but I’m still the same person. And I need, when I started lunchtime conversation and I launched, kick it by EP, I made the conscious choice that it was going to be about putting goodness in the world and about inspiring others.
Because even in your darkest days, on the days that you can’t even get out of bed, you know what you’re still getting up and you’re making the choice. To move on, right? To live, right? So with or without a job, with or without a [00:08:00] title. And I have to tell you, When you talk about choice and you talk about, how you’ve lived your entire life, you’re told, you go to school, you do X, Y, and Z.
You have a career, you get married, you have children, whatever it is, right? Whatever. However you grew up, and then you’re like, your rug is pulled up under you and you have you’re falling and you’re falling and you’re like. What happens now?
Marie Chindamo: So
Elisa Padilla: I think, I think life is changed and it changes people and it affects people deeply.
And yeah, it’s it’s very interesting.
] Marie Chindamo: Yeah. And that brings me to I’m sorry, I didn’t want to step on your words. It brings up for me. When you say, removing the title I went through that a bit. And quite frankly, I was happy. It was like a dichotomy, right?
Yeah, I don’t have that responsibility. I moved away from this incredibly demanding, over demanding world to a place where I could build my own universe. But at the same time you’re shedding what you’ve always known. It was the chase to get more, from manager to director, to VP, to SVP, to CHA, right?
You’ve did the same thing and it’s exhausting, right? And you like, people just look at you and go, wow, you’re so great. But you don’t know what you give up for that. That’s just, you give up so much. And that’s why when I look at you still carrying a chief title, I’m just admiring that because that takes a lot of energy and it’s a team under you that you have to support just one last to put a pin in it.
Like what comes up for me is what helps me stay intentional. And maybe you can relate to this. And back, especially in those dark days is having a true anchor to your values, identify who you are, right? And if no one can take them away from you. Nope. They can’t take that away from you. Whether you succeed or you fail, you try something and it doesn’t work or you have a title and you don’t have it anymore.
You are you and you stand for what you believe in. And that brings me tremendous comfort. And I see that come through in your kick it by EP because clearly I’ve always seen you as a caring, concerning, concerned altruistic individual, despite the pressure you on, I always knew that your team was came first.
And, and that’s who you are. So kudos to you for, yeah,
Elisa Padilla: thanks. I 100 percent agree and echo your sentiment in terms of, having an anchor, your values and being authentic and not shying away from And sticking to your guns, even when things are tough. And what I mean by that is not selling your soul because you’re in a, you’re in a dark place or whatever the case may be.
And I think that a lot of people, it takes a lot of guts and it takes a lot of, a lot of, inner strength to be able to stand, Toe to toe with whatever you’re facing and staying true to who you really are.
Marie Chindamo: Absolutely. And I also think back to decisions that we have to make in the workplace when we’re under a lot of pressure and we are the minority.
Let’s face it. We’re women and in a sports industry, especially, we are, trying to stay stoic. And stay, yes. Yes. Maybe. Yes, sir. Yes, ma’am. Just move forward. And I think even as a CHRO, the decisions that I was pushed to make, not all of them made me feel very good.
And I really hope to inspire the workforce now to have a voice, right? To say, hey, this is doesn’t feel right. Or something’s not, working here and I’m not alone in this thinking. I just know when saying anything about it. And, that’s really important today. I think more important now post cobit than ever.
To inspire people to work and feel good, and show up as a whole self. So yeah. So how do you stay, how do you say let me step back a sec. What does this, you’ve done so many great things. What does success look like for you now? What is your definition of success? Oh that’s a
Elisa Padilla: really good question, Marie, because success to me right now is being healthy, is really thinking about, what’s going into my mouth, like literally, and feeling, feeling good physically and mentally, and making sure that I’m using this vessel of a body to really take care of it to have the longevity.
And to feel really good where, you would ask me that question 10 years ago, it would have been like, I need, looking back to our days in Brooklyn, it’s like, how do I get to EVP? And it’s that doesn’t matter anymore that like it, not that it’s not that my current role isn’t as, so important to me and I want to do a good job and, I want to be able to.
Develop and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow so that they could all be CMOs, right? But I’m not the chase is different this time around at this point in my life and I honestly believe that it is based on. The darkness that I lived through and that I’m able to stand today and say, you know what?
Like I learned X, Y, and Z. I now look at the world differently. You know what? We’re selling soccer. We’re not curing cancer. And it’s just that different perspective that now to me, success is being healthy, having roof over my head and Ultimately doing things that really fuel my soul, like I really believe that.
And while I still, while I’m still part of corporate America and I love it and I work for an incredible company for me, just [00:14:00] the chase is different this time.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah, that’s a very good point, right? And if you don’t have the vessel cared for, right? It’s not gonna go much further.
Yeah living to a certain age is one thing living there in a way that’s got, has vitality and right and health. Yeah, it’s funny you should say that, pardon me, because when I left the BSE environment, which was, and incredibly demanding, right? Sometimes seven days a week, you know all kinds of hours.
I ended up losing like 30 pounds. Without even trying I shouldn’t say I didn’t try. I just changed my lifestyle. First of all, that cortisol stopped. That cortisol and just being able to have some freedom over my life in terms of how I wanted to be, what I felt was important. And what I felt was the definition of success for me.
And, listen, when we work in a corporate environment, it’s part of the deal, you’re working with the team. You may not believe in a certain course of action or the way something gets done, but you’re part of a team and you make it work and, and there’s a lot of that dance that goes on when you’re in a higher level, right?
And not to say that I wouldn’t do it again. I might just, I would do it very differently. Definitely very differently, back and forth with that in my mind. The future self of Elisa. What’s your future self?
Elisa Padilla: Wow. Another great question, Marie. I think the future self of Elisa is to mentor and inspire the young, the next generation who want to work in sports and entertainment to really, So that women and especially Latina women can, can make it in the sports industry and how I show up, to, to inspire that is to do podcasts like this to use my own voice to be able to share my experiences.
I’m an avid poster on LinkedIn. And I really write about, about the world and how I see it. So I think that’s really important and, I just want to continue to inspire and do put good energy into the world, Marie, because I think being kind And being a good person is like the most that to me is like success than being at the top of the mountain.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. Yeah.
Elisa Padilla: That’s
Marie Chindamo: fantastic. So when it comes to the team that you have now how do you coach them about, keeping their intention in the game? Like what are you, some of your techniques, what are some of the things that you do to help them? Be successful.
Elisa Padilla: Yeah, I think the first thing Marie is I listen because every single one of them is different.
So my current team is 27. I have 27 team members. Wow. 23 of them are full time for a part time. And they’re all very different. And they’re all, some are just starting out. Some are, have been in the industry for X amount of years. But the first thing that I do is listen. Number two, I value their experience.
And what I mean by that is no one comes into my office and says, or at least I try to coach them in terms of, I don’t want them coming into my office and saying, do you think we should do this? I want them to come into my office and say, I think we should do this. What are your thoughts? And it’s okay So give me like, help me understand, right? Because I think everyone experiences the world differently based on their experience. So just because I’ve been in the [00:18:00] sports and entertainment industry for two decades doesn’t mean that I know it all, at all. I’m now I’m also learning from them because they grew up more than half of them grew up with a cell phone in their hand.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. So they know it as good. Not as good, but they know a dimension of it that we don’t see every day. Exactly.
Elisa Padilla: And it’s like the living, living in the digital ecosystem is completely different. Growing up on social media. And the other thing is that I recognize and acknowledge the value that they bring to the team and how each of them is part of the team.
And they’re each contributing to the greatness that we’re creating with the soccer team. That’s the way that I manage them. And yes, there are, there are situations where It’s I listened to three different decisions and then it’s three different recommendations, excuse me.
And then ultimately I have to make the best decision for the business. But I want to empower them and, I am utterly a control freak at heart. Like I am, I’m definitely a control freak. But letting go and. Allowing them to make mistakes. Has now I look at it as okay, we have coaching moments, right?
So if someone’s doing something, it’s you know what, maybe you shouldn’t wear a hat if you’re sitting in a meeting with the president of the team, right? Or learning moments, right? It’s oh, you know what, we had a typo in a letter that we sent out. Oh, you know what that’s a teaching moment.
Okay. And we’re, and the culture within the team is that we’re in it together. So if one person succeeds, we all succeed, right? But, and if one person fails, like we all fail, because I think that is the most important thing, Marie, is to, when you’re part of a team, unless you’re a tennis player, you’re not winning games by yourself, right?
Right now, and even a tennis player
Marie Chindamo: has a coach and] exactly.
Elisa Padilla: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They may be like on the court by themselves, and now they could coach them. When I think about the folks that, the players on the field that win NFL championships, or basketball championships, like all of that, like that’s a team environment.
So that’s the way that I try that I’m currently leading them.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. And, that speaks to my four Ps, right? The people part it’s big. We’re, it’s not a zero sum game, right? So bringing people with you and, you don’t want wins in a solo game.
And when you brought up, asking them, bringing their solutions forward, it reminded me of a conversation. I’ve listened to a podcast, one of the Oprah super soul podcasts that it was, she interviewed Gary Zukav seed of the soul. I don’t know if you’ve ever read or listened to anything from Gary really really impactful.
And he talks about intentionality. And it moved her when she read the book and she said, from that point on, every time 1 of her team members came to her, 1 of those, a producer, whoever it was, she asked them 1st, what is your intention behind what you’re bringing to me? And she said, it was really moving and it changed the business.
It also changed the dynamic because it. Give it gave everybody a moment to say, hey, what do I really want this future outcome to be when I bring this solution forward or this idea or, and that really struck with me because sometimes I do it unconscious subconsciously, but now I’m much more mindful about, being very intentional about anything I spend time on.
Yeah, any actions I take anything that, I work with because it’s just what, what is the idea behind, what is the motivation, right? And what does the outcome look like? Yeah, thank you for that. So yeah, working with a team of 27 people, how, what is one or two things that you do to simplify success?
Elisa Padilla: Less is more, [00:22:00] Marie. Less is more, right? It’s that’s the first thing. It’s We can’t be everything to everyone. We need to be laser focused on what we need to deliver. So the less is more approach is, there is beauty in simplicity. And if you do think and being great and striving for greatness, it’s, you have, you take your craft, you continue to refine your craft.
You have a process on how you do your craft. And. As the better you get, the simpler it becomes because you are again, you’re refining it as you go. So I think that’s the number 1 thing. And the 2nd is process to find success, right?
Marie Chindamo: There
Elisa Padilla: is a 1M ways to get to places. However. If specifically in my world, since everything is so visible, specifically in marketing that once you outline a process and people follow the process, you’re going to be able to get things done in a much more efficient and faster way.
Then if you’re just going rogue, right? So those are the two things that I really focus on. Because I think that clutter in your mind really doesn’t help you.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah, no, it doesn’t. Complexity is just, it’s a killer, right? The clutter steps in the way and then you overthink and right. Yeah. And process is important, as Yeah.
James clear says it. You don’t rise to the level of your habits. You fall to the level of your processes. Yeah. And that stuck with me too, because you, I do remember this when I work with you, right? We continue to make. System improvements, right? You see a typo on a copy and it gets out. Okay. How do we avoid that happening again?
And it’s just people are human. Yeah, but keeping it simple. Yeah. It just, sometimes people get paralyzed with the complexities and then they don’t do anything. In terms of just personal growth, or whether it’s completing, goal or anything like that. So understanding how to simplify.
It doesn’t mean it makes it easy. There’s a difference, right? Can you think of a time when something was simple, but yet maybe not easy?
Elisa Padilla: Yeah, I think, when I think back to even our days back in Brooklyn, right? When we launched the Hello Brooklyn campaign,
Marie Chindamo: how
Elisa Padilla: simple was that campaign?
And how we got there and how we brought it to life was not easy. However, there was such beauty in the simplicity of the campaign and How we really resonated with everyone specifically in the borough as they were getting their new team. So I think that, that’s 1 of the, that’s 1 of the things that it’s 1 of my proudest moments of my career.
And then I was able when I went to the Marlins. And they were under new ownership group, and they were launching their new logo. A lot of the work that we had done in Brooklyn was already done when I got to Miami. However, that simple approach of the simplicity of. Hello, Brooklyn was something that I was able to take all those key learnings as we developed that brand campaign to launch the new Marlins logo on.
And it’s something that, it’s such a complex process and how we got into the world and how it resonated with people. It was just, magic in a bottle for sure.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. It’s so funny you should say that because when I was watching your interview on Instagram earlier this morning, behind you was in your office, the hashtag hello Brooklyn.
And it just, Oh my gosh. Yes. I remember that campaign. And what a simple concept. I swear that was exactly what I was thinking. And I know the toil that went into actually executing on it. Yeah. But it’s such a profound. Message in its simplicity, it’s still profound and it’s broad, right? But it appears in so many different ways and it gives a platform for a lot of action and activity.
Yeah, that certainly came to mind and it worked so well at the time. And it continues to, whether you apply it there or somewhere else in another city, right? It’s bringing that community together, which is a big part of what marketing is, right? Marketing is, showing someone why they should be part, we should be part of this community together.
Yeah. Yeah. So moving forward. What kind of choices are in front of you now? There, are there any big choices that you have to ponder through and
Elisa Padilla: sort? Yeah, absolutely. I think, the biggest thing that I’ve been thinking about that only came up this summer is, I’m, I’ve been doing this for over two decades, Marie.
And it’s I’m, sun setting now. And it’s okay the next choices that I make, the next few years are really gonna, help me navigate where, what I’m going to do next,
Marie Chindamo: because
Elisa Padilla: I’m not going to be I don’t think I’m going to be working in sports and entertainment, my entire life.
I, I want to be able to enjoy some part of, not working. Yeah, I think that’s something that I’ve been thinking about. It’s what’s next? And like, how am I going to make that choice and, what’s, and again, thinking about what’s fueling my soul today. Even though, again, I said this I love my job.
But it’s I’m not going to be here forever. And I think that the next thing I want to just be very intentional about making sure that it’s. [00:28:00] fueling my soul, and that I’m able to accomplish and feel that magic every single day.
Marie Chindamo: What fuels your soul? I know sharing inspiration with others.
Is there anything else that comes? Yeah, I,
Elisa Padilla: you know what, I really think that, being able to highlight other people’s successes, Marie, it’s that to me, because when I think about all these years in sports and entertainment, right? Very male dominant, right? Not many women at the top, right? And it’s about, okay, there’s so many women out there that have amazing careers and, even like the next generation.
And I think that highlighting other people and their successes, like it’s something like genuinely that really makes me happy because I really wish that. You know what? I really wish that someone along the way of my career would have done that for me. Yeah. You know what I mean? Oh, I do. And it’s and there’s enough room at the table for all of us.
That’s the way that I look at it. And it’s, I’ll share with you, like my nephew who went to school he undergrad, he wants to be an editor, right? So I was fortunate enough to be able to help him to get his first internship. Now he’s working for a minor league hockey team.
And just this week he was documenting. One of the players at Madison Square Garden. Oh, wow. And I’m like, I was so thrilled for him. And I’ve been his cheerleader and I’ve just been like, Nick, you need to do this. And think about this. And it’s just it just makes me so happy because When I chose to be, go into sports and entertainment, like no one in my family had any [00:30:00] exposure to working in sports and entertainment, right?
I did it on my own. I got in on my own and I paid, everything that I did was I put my head down and worked. And as a Latina, look, I felt that I had to work harder than everyone else because nobody else looked like me. So I think that that to me and helping others and highlighting others really fuels my soul because And makes me happy because I’m in a position to be able to do that because of the way that I got here.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. Thinking about that brings me back to another podcast that I listened to. It talks about you are in the best position to serve the prior you. Yeah. Something along those lines. And when I do the show notes, I’ll put that that podcast in here. And the gentleman that, that stated it, it’s you’re in the best position to serve the person you once were.
So who are those people? Who are those people now where you were there once before and one of the reasons why I started the extreme executive club is to have a forum for people like you, myself to continue to grow in the ways we want to grow the way we define success today, but also to inspire the generation behind us.
I would have been so grateful to have some group that I could turn to and say, am I crazy? This is what I’m experiencing. I think I’m the crazy one. I feel something is not right here. I need some direction, some guidance, even just to process it. Maybe I can’t do anything with it, but I can process what’s happening around me and find a way to move through it in a healthy way.
And so I share that with you because it’s so important to share what we’ve gone through, share the lessons that we’ve learned. We went through them for a reason. Why should they be lost?
Elisa Padilla: Yeah. And I also think, [00:32:00] Marie, when I’ve been asked, how do you describe yourself as a leader?
And I really, my leadership style is all about service. Like for me, I’m a servant leader because for me, My, I’ve already got I’ve already reached the place where, the top of my career in marketing and the marketing vertical, and now it’s about, when I think about service and I think about the team that I’m accountable for, it’s really, I work for them, they don’t work for me.
I honestly believe that. Because you know what? It’s I feel like I’m in a position now to be able to help them get to where I am one day. Maybe they don’t, maybe this isn’t what they want, but I still feel like it’s my responsibility to be of service to them. To make sure that they achieve their dreams.
And they remember you as a leader,
Marie Chindamo: and they remember you as a leader that, it’s just impacted their life, their career, and it’s a twofold benefit, right? You being a human to other humans, which makes you, makes us all feel good. And then also one day when you do sunset out of where you are, you’ve got a strong team.
You can leave a legacy behind, right? That success that you work so hard to create doesn’t just, disappear. Yeah. So speaking of those sunset days, maybe they’re two years, 10 years, whatever. Would you go back to consulting at any point? Do you think, I think so. I
Elisa Padilla: think so. I think that, I, because I love working.
I don’t think that I’ll ever stop working. I joke around how, maybe I’ll go work at Costco, when I’m done working full time, but I think that I would like to, I’d to, when I look ahead to the our retirement days I would like to still do some consulting.
I met a gentleman over the summer who worked in tech in the tech space for over 30 years. He’s recently retired, and they weren’t able to fill his time. Spot at his job. So now he’s consulting and he’s I love it. He’s I work like 20 hours. A week, I never have to go into the office.
He said, but he keeps me still, keeps me, fresh and in the game he’s but I can do it at my pace. And I was like, huh? I was like, John, that’s giving me something to think
Marie Chindamo: about. Yeah. Yeah. Listen, most people, and if they don’t think this way, it would benefit them to start thinking, keeping your brain fresh is so important, right?
Your cognitive decline happens when you give up all of this stuff. You don’t have to do all of it the way we’re doing it today. You can still have success with greater enjoyment. You don’t have to are retire, right? Just be different. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I, when I look at you, if I, if you allow me to just dream a little bit for you cause you’re such a positive presence.
There are so many entrepreneurs is particularly women, and old women older, we’ve learned our lessons and. We don’t want to fight the battle on the front line anymore, but we want to have, still have a presence out there. Like you could, you, you could absolutely step into inspiring us to keep our brands relevant and great.
And just being part of the community that we’re in and a new and a fresh way. I know for me personally, I struggle with. Social platforms. And I’m a huge Gary V follower, you and I know Gary from back in the day, my daughter works for him now. She’s one of his VPs. And I had the pleasure of going and consulting in their offices from time to time, but he’s just, every time I hear him, I feel so dumb to be honest, right.
There’s just so many different narrow pathways and wide pathways in the social communities that I just don’t even know how to begin to navigate. Or how to advise my team to navigate. I don’t know if they’re doing it right, if they’re not doing it right, I just, it just spins my head. It’s yeah, that’s a huge and we have to be there.
We have to be there in that space, but we’re just not going to have our message amplified, which is really the key here is to amplify the message, right? It’s really the most important thing for me. You want to be heard. You want it to be shared. You want someone to take value from it. So yeah, that’s my two cents.
Thank you, Marie. Something to think about for sure. So let me leave you with two questions. Okay. Okay and I’m stealing this one. I’m stealing this one from Lewis Howes. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Lewis. He’s the school of greatness. Yes. Yes. Fantastic. Rich rich. 10 years, I think.
Which podcast if you lived your healthiest life and the day came where it was time to go in a peaceful way, and you had to leave something behind, right? What would you leave behind? You had all of your work is now with you. What’s 2 messages you would leave behind?
Be human first and be kind. Thank you for that. That’s awesome. Where can we find you? So we’ve got a few platforms I see you on . What would you what would you prefer in, people wanna follow you? You could definitely
Elisa Padilla: find, yeah, you could definitely find me on LinkedIn, Elisa Padilla. And on Instagram, you can find me at kickitbyep.
Marie Chindamo: Great. I’ll put those in the show notes.
Elisa Padilla: Yeah.
Marie Chindamo: So it was wonderful to chat with you. You have an awesome weekend and I hope to see you in person soon.
Yes. Yes. Mommy, thank you so much for your time. This has been wonderful. And enjoy your
Elisa Padilla: weekend too. Thank you.
Thanks, Elisa. Thanks. Okay. Talk soon. Take care.
Okay. Bye.
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For BuzzSprout:
[EP002] – In this episode, Elisa and I discuss how simplifying tasks and leading with intention can make a big impact. Elisa explains how to create clear processes, build strong teams, and lead with purpose. Whether you’re leading a small project or a big team, this episode offers straightforward advice to help you succeed.
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[EP002] – In this episode, Elisa and I discuss how simplifying tasks and leading with intention can make a big impact. Elisa explains how to create clear processes, build strong teams, and lead with purpose. Whether you’re leading a small project or a big team, this episode offers straightforward advice to help you succeed.
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Highlights from this episode:
[02:24] Kick It by EP: The Inspiration
[06:13] Navigating Personal and Professional Loss
[15:25] Empowering the Next Generation
[21:47] Simplifying Success with a Team
[26:53] Navigating Career Choices and Future Plans
[28:08] Highlighting and Supporting Others
[31:58] Leadership and Legacy
For Facebook
[EP002] – In this episode, Elisa and I discuss how simplifying tasks and leading with intention can make a big impact. Elisa explains how to create clear processes, build strong teams, and lead with purpose. Whether you’re leading a small project or a big team, this episode offers straightforward advice to help you succeed.
Episode link/Show notes:
Listen on Apple:
Listen on Spotify
Highlights from this episode:
[02:24] Kick It by EP: The Inspiration
[06:13] Navigating Personal and Professional Loss
[15:25] Empowering the Next Generation
[21:47] Simplifying Success with a Team
[26:53] Navigating Career Choices and Future Plans
[28:08] Highlighting and Supporting Others
[31:58] Leadership and Legacy
APPLE MUSIC: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/choice-not-chance-simplifying-success/id1781935770
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For Instagram
[EP002] – In this episode, Elisa and I discuss how simplifying tasks and leading with intention can make a big impact. Elisa explains how to create clear processes, build strong teams, and lead with purpose. Whether you’re leading a small project or a big team, this episode offers straightforward advice to help you succeed.
Highlights from this episode:
[02:24] Kick It by EP: The Inspiration
[06:13] Navigating Personal and Professional Loss
[15:25] Empowering the Next Generation
[21:47] Simplifying Success with a Team
[26:53] Navigating Career Choices and Future Plans
[28:08] Highlighting and Supporting Others
[31:58] Leadership and Legacy
APPLE MUSIC: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/choice-not-chance-simplifying-success/id1781935770
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