The Birth of a Podcast: Creating Impact through Stories of Determination

Marie Chindamo Solo Episode 3

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 “Rely less on wishful thinking and creating a mental picture of where you want to be. That picture sits in the forefront of your mind to the exclusion of everything else and when you make that happen, when you make that a priority, you’ll determine where your energy should go and where your energy no longer belongs.”

Marie Chindamo


[EP003] – Choice, Not Chance: Simplifying Success with Marie Chindamo


In the inaugural episode of ‘Choice, Not Chance,’ host Marie Chindamo shares her personal journey from hardship to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She discusses the importance of making deliberate choices to shape one’s destiny and introduces the key principles of her M.IN.D. Set playbook. Marie emphasizes the power of mindset in achieving success, drawing inspiration from extreme athletes and her own experiences in various roles, from administrative assistant to running a consulting practice. She also provides insights on creating a vision, overcoming obstacles, and the significance of persistence. Tune in to learn strategies for simplifying tough life decisions and consciously crafting the life and career you desire.


00:00 Introduction to Choice, Not Chance

00:28 Marie Chindamo’s Personal Journey

01:55 Turning Hardship into Success

04:20 Career Growth and Mindset

07:14 The Power of Mindset

07:32 Learning from Extreme Athletes

10:13 Creating a Vision and Overcoming Obstacles

21:41 Persistence and Teamwork

25:06 Launching the Podcast

29:15 Final Thoughts and Motivation



00:00:00] Welcome to choice, not chance. Simplifying success. I’m your host Marie Chindamo. In each episode, we’ll explore how to simplify life’s toughest decisions, helping you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters boldly. It’s simply directing your success. It’s time to stop leaving your future to chance and start making choices to shape your destiny.

Marie Chindamo: Welcome to choice, not chance, simplifying success. I’m your host, Marie Chindamo. Um, and this episode is pretty much the inaugural episode. It’s most likely going to be the first one. I put it out there because I do want to provide background as to why I started the podcast and some context around my journey, the career I’ve had.

So listeners can understand and perhaps relate. As well as gain inspiration from the doing from hearing from myself and [00:01:00] from others who have done. The things that we talk about, right? We can hear people in other podcasts and I’m a huge podcast listener. We can read books. We can get inspiration from really, really super smart people that have studied science, studied human behavior.

Philosophy, sociology, even anthropology and how we evolved and how we maintain some of the traits that still work for us and how we sometimes should shed those that we no longer need. All those sources are great. But hearing from people that actually have accomplished success, have accomplished achieving a goal, or getting over something that was really difficult through action, to me, I think speaks a little bit louder.

And. That’s why I started this. And so I do want to bring you back to my [00:02:00] journey and Well the beginning of my journey and that being you know where I started I started as someone who had a lot of hardship in my First couple of decades of life into my early thirties, and I have two podcast episodes that speak very specifically to some of those very, very challenging times.

And where I left off at the end of that second episode, that second personal journey episode, my life was in ruins. I was 30 years old. I had two very young children. Ages, three and five, I went bankrupt. I lost my house to foreclosure. I had to quit the job I was doing because I needed to care for my children at a, at a greater level.

There was a tremendous amount of challenge on my lap at [00:03:00] that age  how I turned that around to several decades later. Becoming a successful entrepreneur, someone who has a blessed life, who has many things that other people are still striving to have at my age. And I’m not saying that to brag.

I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that I’ve made the journey. that really rough start left me no choice but to get control of my situation and push through it. Learn strategies, stick real steadfast to the goals and vision that I had for my life.

So let me. Take you from where I started in my early thirties. I’m devastated. I have no money. I am pretty much homeless living with family that you know loves me very much, but wasn’t the ideal [00:04:00] situation and Felt like a complete failure and I wanted to work somewhere where I could add value. 

I earned my BA in the preceding years. So I had a relatively good education and a relatable one to business. I didn’t have a tremendous amount of business experience, but I had some. 

and I took a role with a semiconductor company. Believe it or not, as an administrative assistant to a CEO,

I had greater visions for my life by the time I hit 30. I did, and I did have better jobs, but I needed to start kind of all over again. So I took that role knowing that I was going to make an impact. I had it in my head. I knew that if I could just show the people around me what I was capable of, I would actually be able to move quickly within that company.

And I did, I started that role within a few months, [00:05:00] I made it my business to know their business. And from that point, I moved from semiconductors, hotels, luxury hotels, to an airline, to a professional sports team, to running a world renowned arena, and Big project construction companies building services for class a office buildings in the metro New York area.

And as well as now running my own consulting practice for the past eight years. And this practice that I’ve run is really just putting the blueprint of the work I’ve done in the hands of others and guiding them and coaching them.

So my career has made many zigzags. Many, many different turns and twists to it. I could not have predicted it would have went the way it went, but that’s okay because we’ll learn from some of the [00:06:00] people that we’re going to hear from throughout the upcoming episodes that many of their paths were the same way.

So the first lesson is to know that we don’t have to have everything figured out. Right at the moment. We think we need to have it figured out. That’s okay One thing that has remained a constant throughout all of my journeys has been the fact that people are still humans, regardless of title or trade. And they are all trying to address their own needs and find a sense of purpose in life. That’s a natural journey. If someone tells you that they just want to drink Mai Tai’s on the beach for the rest of their life, I don’t necessarily think for the majority of our population in our civilized worlds that we really want that.

Okay. I believe, and I know, and I’ve read and studied that we as humans. Um, strive to provide service. That’s how we find our mission in life. So people are [00:07:00] service oriented regardless of the role. So people are humans and they need to be treated as such, whether their title says they’re a CEO or whether they’re doing something in a non skilled position.

And the other thing that remains a constant is mindset is everything, everything, period. I’ll get into more about the power of mindset in this episode and in almost every episode that I share Hence why it’s called choice not chance, right? I’ve gained inspiration from some pretty unexpected places and In my recent years I studied the behaviors of extreme athletes again following people that do not just speak but do people like an extreme athlete like Alex Honnold Who, if you don’t know who he is, scaled El Capitan with no ropes, no support, completely free solo.

People like [00:08:00] Diana Nyad, who was a renowned swimmer Long distance set records in her early career, who then made a new name for herself when she swam over a hundred miles from Cuba to Florida. I believe that the trip took over 50 hours.

50 hours. Okay. People like that, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the multitude of careers that he had being the youngest Mr. Universe during his time to the many other accomplishments that he has made. I’ve studied the mentality and mindsets of extreme athletes, and they are no different than you and I.

We have that capability within us. The only separation is that they’ve unlocked ways to tap into their mindset.  The inspiration I gained from studying these athletes has tremendous correlation. And you would say, well, how does that correlate with you being able to negotiate 15 union contracts when you were working for [00:09:00] Brooklyn Nets and Barclays Center?

It has a lot of correlation, I’ll tell you, because it starts with setting in your mind What you need to accomplish and then making the plan to stay persistent to that vision, understanding why that vision is important to you and understand who can help you make it happen. And these are recurring themes throughout my mindset program.

So that’s why I wrote a mindset playbook. I wrote this playbook, very simple, very practical, pretty short, and it has real concrete ways of you establishing the mindset that you currently have. Really locking in. to what you want out of your life and strategies to move that forward.

And this isn’t just about financial success and professional career success. Success may look very different to every one of us. 

For [00:10:00] success for one person could be, I want to maintain a healthy relationship with a partner and grow a family. But whatever your goal is, whatever your success is, it starts with mindset.

So my journey from bankruptcy and foreclosure to being a self-made entrepreneur Was exactly that, following a blueprint related to your mindset. 

What it stands for is mastering internal discoveries. Internally, we have all of these thoughts and feelings and emotions and visions going on and we want to discover which of them really need to come to the forefront. Which ones do you want to bring to the forefront and how do we master that so that we can make that illuminate in real life?

Relying less on wishful thinking and creating a mental picture of where you want to be. That picture sits in the forefront of your [00:11:00] mind to the exclusion of everything else and when you make that happen, when you make that a priority, You’ll determine where your energy should go and where your energy no longer belongs.

Determining how to turn that vision into reality does take some steps and I walk through them in my mindset program. And by the way, as we speak to some of the guests and I’ve already recorded several episodes, so I know that this is on track this podcast because those recordings on the people that I speak to, they say the same thing.

They may not use the same terms, but they’re using the same ideologies. And we’ll uncover those in the future episodes. And I’ll give you a little bit more of my blueprint in a few moments, but internally pushing yourself forward, and understanding that there are going to be obstacles in your way.

So before you start thinking about those obstacles, which you should think about the reasons why your vision is so important to you. [00:12:00] So we work through creating a vision. We work through the, why that vision is important to you. Then we work through the obstacles that may get in your way. And guess what?

Those obstacles are the way. Those obstacles outline the steps you need to take to make your life what you want it to be. The answers are right there. So why I encourage people to write down every possible scenario that can stand in the way from your point A to your point B is because those pieces of information are exactly what you need to prepare for.

I know it can be difficult to take this approach when you’re stuck in a dead end job, you’re struggling maybe to start a side hustle, you feel it aren’t enough hours in a day, you might be exhausted. when you find your why, And you really get to the root of your why you have this, this intrinsic motivation to move forward at all costs. And I’ve [00:13:00] done it. I’ve done it. Worked multiple jobs at the same time, raising young children, insisting, insisting that my life was going to get better and portraying that confidence outwardly.

And let’s not confuse confidence with arrogance or overinflated ego. Okay. When you believe in yourself, when you create a vision for yourself and you hold it in the center of your mind as if it’s already happened, you will speak with a new found confidence. When I wanted to go from a semiconductor position assistant to a CEO, to an HR director, I made that one leap.

I made the leap from being an Assistant to a CEO by tweaking my title internally with the company saying I was assisting HR as well, which I was, I absolutely took on many more responsibilities than that job description gave me and I embrace them and I, I embrace them wholeheartedly. So that [00:14:00] I could speak the language of the next job that I wanted to take.

And that next job in my mind, in my heart, I knew was a director level job within the two years that I started this job at the semiconductor company. Within two years from 1997, I started a job and in 1999 I got my first director of HR job. I leaped over HR associate, generalist, business partner, manager.

Senior manager. I went right from here to here because I believed I could do it. Did I have all the answers at the time? Absolutely not. Are you ever going to have all the answers? Probably not. If you do, that means you’re not suited for the next step in your growth. If you’re going to take a job where you have all the answers, that’s probably not the next growth position for you.

You’re going to take a job where you know you don’t have all the answers, but you damn well are going to [00:15:00] find them. And that’s exactly what I did. I took that director job and I held a director job in a resort community that was incredibly challenging because it was a seasonal property. The tremendous challenges with labor and retention and just H2B visa programs and understanding a budget for the first time.

No one’s ever walked me through a budget. I pretended I knew what I was doing. I researched it. I spoke to people that knew the business and I made myself learn. The difference between me and most of my clients and many of you listening is that you have resources today. You have a lot more resources.

In fact, the internet wasn’t even really a thing. Back in 1999. It really wasn’t. In fact, I know I couldn’t afford a computer at that time. I don’t think I bought my first computer until 2001. So I learned old school. I got that director’s job and I held it to my heart [00:16:00] and I made it work and I was successful.

I was incredibly successful, 9 11 happened. The resort industry took a big turn and I was laid off and now I’m out of a job. So I went from being in a resort community to trying to find my way back into Midtown Manhattan, the hottest spot on the planet.

And I said, you know what? The only way I’m going to be able to secure another HR director’s job in Midtown Manhattan is to convince. Convince the people that I’m speaking to on these interviews that I understand a union environment. Have I ever worked in a union environment? Nope, did not.

And I’ll never forget the conversation I had with the general manager of the NovAtel Hotel in 2002. She saw my resume. Well, one of our team members, even my resume set up the interview with her. It was a phone interview.

I was on the call with her for. Probably [00:17:00] 30 minutes, 40 minutes, somewhere around there, a nice chunk of time. We got into a lot of great conversation and towards the end of the call, she looked at my resume. She sure scratched her head, although I didn’t see her do it because I was on the phone and she said, Marie, do you have union experience?

And I said, Nope, I do not. And she said, Oh man, I’m so sorry. I really enjoyed this conversation with you, but this job requires union experience. Well, let me tell you something. She remained on that call for another half hour with me, and I convinced her that I could do the job without the experience because I knew the climate and culture I needed to create for her in that building with her staff to make sure that that union was going to be happy and that there weren’t going to be any complications and there weren’t going to be any issues.

I convinced her I could do that job. And guess what? I got the [00:18:00] job once again, in my head, I knew I was going to get a job in Midtown Manhattan with a successful business, preferably the hotel industry, because I already knew that, but a new dimension of the hotel industry, a new skillset that I needed to learn.

And I took the job. And I remember calling my cousin who happened to work with unions, but in a manufacturing setting. And I said, you know what, can you share a union contract with me? I know it’s a different industry. I know it’s probably has a lot of different things in it, but I want to see what the main components are.

What’s the architecture of a union contract. And I got him to send me one. And then I went to the library, believe it or not the library, because again, the internet was still not a thing for me. And I researched and I learned. And when I stepped foot in that job, in those first few months, it was like I was, I was a pro and I embraced it.

And every position I’ve moved from there, from that position [00:19:00] as a director to another position to another position into a VP role, I did the same thing, set my vision, solidified my why. I identified the obstacles I was going to come across. I isolated my who’s because now as I’m getting better in my career and better at the art of growing faster, I needed to discover who can help me, right?

Even in the roles, just because you took a role doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. Developing a team supporting your position, whether it’s a lateral team or whether it’s your horizontal team is really important to your success. So, identifying your who’s, bringing the right people onto your team, who are your co workers and colleagues that you can kind of work with, against, alongside, in harmony with.

One plus one equaling three, right? Those are the strategies I employed. So finding my who’s and as I became [00:20:00] better in my career and better at doing the things I set out to do, I also learned a lot more about myself. Now I wasn’t acting out of desperation anymore because those early years I was trying to get back on my feet and in 2003 so as I’m moving through these early day positions, I actually bought my own home again.

And it felt tremendous. I was able to give my children stability. I was able to feel like I wasn’t a failure anymore when it came to, you know, just providing this safe place for them and not moving around all the time. And it really helped me now refocus on how do I get even better. And at that point, it becomes more about how do you really tap into Your gifts, your unique gifts, when you’re toggling between what you have to do, but you’re not good at and what [00:21:00] you like to do and sometimes have to do that you’re good at.

There’s always this energy exchange between those two and you need to identify what that is so that you can be sure that a, you can recover properly when you need to overuse and B, how do you stay in a state of flow so that you can. Really be more productive with your time, spend less time recovering, find the who’s around you that will take some of the things that you don’t really have a mastery of, right?

So this is what I call the preference flow. I talk about it in the mindset playbook. I talk about really honing in on the things that you’re really good at. And then from there. The last piece, which I’ve employed through every single role and I employ today is persistence. All of these extreme athletes.

Demonstrate persistence. Every one of them. You think that Diana Naya would have made that swim without [00:22:00] persisting. In fact, she made five prior attempts at that swim and failed five failures and the practice that happened between each attempt and the team she had to build to make sure that she uncovered and had addressed any known obstacle that she can possibly.

Okay. So life is not a solo game. I don’t care what position you hold. It’s not a solo game. And when you get your mind wrapped around the fact that you can play as part of a team and still feel joy and still feel a sense of personal accomplishment, you will be much more prepared for your success.

So here I am in my consulting practice, encouraging others, motivating others, inspiring others, really awakening in others. How do they unlock their mastery? Right? How do they adopt the philosophy of really being consistent and [00:23:00] persistent? And that’s all about setting processes in your life. And I don’t want to sound too like, Oh, processes, you know, what are you doing?

You know, do I have my life? No, yes, it needs to be a process. Everything you do is a process. That’s how human behavior works, right? When you get up in the morning, you have a process. You have a process for where you keep your toothbrush and the soap that you use in the shower. You have a process for where you store your clothes and how you store them.

You have a process for everything. That’s, that’s just how we operate. If you didn’t have those simple processes, you’d probably never leave the house. I’ll take a line from James Clear, we don’t rise to the level of our habits. We fall to the level of our processes. So when I work with my clients and when I interview our guests on these shows, we examine processes and we examine how slight adjustments to processes could have a huge return on that effort and energy, but we have to get used to that first.

And that all falls back to mindset

and listen, there are many, many occasions [00:24:00] when we make a choice and I’ve done it. Um, Whether it’s weeks later, months later, or years later, the outcome isn’t ideal. Maybe you put your ladder against the wrong wall with an employer. In my opinion, putting your eggs into the basket of one employer, and then you feeling that they, they failed you.

That’s a real dilemma. It’s happened. It’s happened to me. That’s a choice I made in my past and the choices others have made that maybe you go back and go, wow, what if I didn’t take that job or what if I didn’t make that decision or what if I didn’t take this action or what if I did this?

And here I am today with the what ifs. Get rid of the what ifs. Because every choice you make, if you did it intentionally, you did it for a reason. So instead of worrying about what would have happened if I didn’t make that choice or what would have happened if I took this opportunity and now I didn’t do it, think about the lessons that you learned.

Don’t look at the gap. Look at the gain. [00:25:00] look at the things that you’ve accomplished, the lessons that you’ve learned throughout that process. I did it with this podcast. I’ll be honest with you. I initially had the idea, I don’t know, probably close to a year ago.

Wouldn’t it be a great idea so that I could start a podcast, share my thoughts with the world. And like, I do everything. I did it with, okay, I need to learn. I need to get, you know, some help. I need to understand what I need to do. I need to keep it organized. I don’t want to go out in the world all a mess.

And so through the due diligence process, I always had this vision, yes, I’m going to be behind a microphone and I’m going to be speaking to the world. But then I started the process. I started to learn. I started to understand what goes into really getting clear thought across to other people, using technology to make it happen, using the venues and, and, um, and social channels to, to get people [00:26:00] to know that this even exists.

There was so many pieces to this. And partway through, I would say two thirds of the way through, I was like, I don’t think this is a good choice. I don’t know if I have it in me. I don’t know if I’m capable. I had this self doubt that crept in. And quite frankly, I announced to the world that I was going to do a podcast launch party.

And I only had five or seven podcasts already recorded and they weren’t completely edited. And I was thinking to myself, I actually sprung up in the middle of the night, in the middle of my sleep and went, what do I think I’m doing? I’m going to be going out to the world and throwing a launch party in person.

Friends, family, and strangers, because I’m opening up invitations to whoever wants to show up. And I’m going to sit there and go, why would anybody come to see what I have to say? Or hear what I have to say? What if my, my ideas are not fully baked? What if my [00:27:00] ideas are mumbo jumbo and they’re not? edited properly.

What if, what if, what if, what if? And I almost pulled the plug on myself. But you know what? What’s ironic? The next morning I woke up and I knew I was going to post to the world this think big thing. Inspiration. Think big. And I think the post went something like: “Your subconscious will only allow you what you think you deserve. Think big.” Picture the graphics. Simple post, put it out to the world, push the button was planning on doing it anyway. And I sat back and I said, I need to follow my own advice. My subconscious was telling me, worry, worry, worry.

And I need to think big too. So here I am thinking big once again, putting action behind the words that I share to the world.

Helping people [00:28:00] find their voice. That’s my goal. So that every one of us can get up in the morning or whatever time they get up to go to work, whether it’s the morning or the night, do their job because that’s innately part of the human experience is to work and feel fulfilled in the process, even if the job is too much.

Raising children, even if the job is volunteering, you want to feel fulfilled. Most of us, and though many of us listening to this podcast are actually working for gainful employment. We’re working to see financial reward in return from that. And believe me when I tell you, no matter how successful you are, you’re always going to want to seek to serve others.

Seeking to serve others is part of being a human being, and when we can exploit what we’re really good at in the service of others, that’s where the magic happens. [00:29:00] So, understanding what you’re really good at, understanding what brings you joy, understanding where your state of flow lies. And being able to use that to move a mission forward, not just your own mission, something bigger than yourself, right?

So I wrap up this episode with a reminder that we are not put on this earth to blindly follow others. Blindly follow their dreams. Their definition of success, the pictures that they paint on these social channels of how perfect their life is, that’s not reality.

Reality is being the architect of what you believe is important to you, how you want to show up, and what do you want to get at the end of this life? What do you want your eulogy to look like versus your resume to look like? That’s what’s a fulfilling life. 

I hope that you get just as much out of this podcast as I put in, as my guests put in. [00:30:00] I hope even if it’s just a nugget here or there, that it brings you inspiration, motivation and steps to enhance and embolden your joy I really look forward to chatting with people that are just brilliant souls and in their own right have something amazing to offer this world.

I’m excited to embrace this journey with all of my listeners and the guests that I’m going to be bringing on here. Until then, you have a blessed day. 

Thank you so much for listening. I aim to provide you motivation and support to consciously craft the life and career you desire. Check out the show notes to be sure you captured all the golden nuggets. Visit Protilly. com to set up a complimentary call with me or get free resources and very inexpensive help from our success university.

Awaken your superpowers and achieve what your heart desires. If you gain value from today’s episode, subscribe to [00:31:00] Apple podcast and DM me on LinkedIn to let me know how this episode has helped you. Be sure to listen next time to hear more strategies for simple and powerful choices.

Connect with Marie Chindamo







Books or Resources Mentioned:


A little bit about Marie Chindamo:

Marie is the founder and CEO of ProTilly, a successful consulting practice founded over 8 years ago. ProTilly specializes in building strategy, challenging the status quo, and inspiring individuals and organizations to think radically differently to achieve transformative benefits. By encouraging fresh perspectives and innovative thinking, Marie and her team help organizations break free from limiting practices, creating room for disruptive ideas and growth. They provide strategic guidance that’s tailored to navigating transitions, whether it’s organizational change, market shifts, or leadership development.


With over 30 years of experience, Marie has consistently been a catalyst for transformation, both in the corporate world and with individuals. As the former EVP & Chief Human Resources Officer of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment, Marie led significant organizational shifts, managing employee relations and development for the Brooklyn Nets, NY Islanders, Barclays Center, and Nassau Coliseum. She played a pivotal role in the relocation, rebranding, and cultural transformation of the Nets during their 2012 move from New Jersey to Brooklyn. Her expertise in designing compensation structures, performance management programs, and professional development initiatives, made a lasting impact and contributed to a 5x valuation growth during her tenure. She co-authored a service excellence platform in collaboration with the Disney Institute and delivered ongoing service excellence training to over 4000 employees annually.


Before her work in Brooklyn, Marie spent four years as a human resources leader for an international airline supporting U.S. military transport, navigating the complexities of positioning human capital in high-risk regions like Nigeria, Kuwait, Bishkek, and Iraq. These experiences refined her ability to drive successful transitions in the most challenging environments.



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For BuzzSprout:


[Ep 004]: In the inaugural episode of ‘Choice, Not Chance,’ host Marie Chindamo shares her personal journey from hardship to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She discusses the importance of making deliberate choices to shape one’s destiny and introduces the key principles of her M.IN.D. Set playbook. Marie emphasizes the power of mindset in achieving success, drawing inspiration from extreme athletes and her own experiences in various roles, from administrative assistant to running a consulting practice. She also provides insights on creating a vision, overcoming obstacles, and the significance of persistence. Tune in to learn strategies for simplifying tough life decisions and consciously crafting the life and career you desire.


00:00 Introduction to Choice, Not Chance

00:28 Marie Chindamo’s Personal Journey

01:55 Turning Hardship into Success

04:20 Career Growth and Mindset

07:14 The Power of Mindset

07:32 Learning from Extreme Athletes

10:13 Creating a Vision and Overcoming Obstacles

21:41 Persistence and Teamwork

25:06 Launching the Podcast

29:15 Final Thoughts and Motivation


Have a question/comment or just want to chat? Email me at [email protected]

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For LinkedIn


[Ep 004]: In the inaugural episode of ‘Choice, Not Chance,’ host Marie Chindamo shares her personal journey from hardship to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She discusses the importance of making deliberate choices to shape one’s destiny and introduces the key principles of her M.IN.D. Set playbook. Marie emphasizes the power of mindset in achieving success, drawing inspiration from extreme athletes and her own experiences in various roles, from administrative assistant to running a consulting practice. She also provides insights on creating a vision, overcoming obstacles, and the significance of persistence. Tune in to learn strategies for simplifying tough life decisions and consciously crafting the life and career you desire.


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Episode link/Show notes:


Listen on Spotify





Highlights from this episode: 


00:00 Introduction to Choice, Not Chance

00:28 Marie Chindamo’s Personal Journey

01:55 Turning Hardship into Success

04:20 Career Growth and Mindset

07:14 The Power of Mindset

07:32 Learning from Extreme Athletes

10:13 Creating a Vision and Overcoming Obstacles

21:41 Persistence and Teamwork

25:06 Launching the Podcast

29:15 Final Thoughts and Motivation


For Facebook

[Ep 004]: In the inaugural episode of ‘Choice, Not Chance,’ host Marie Chindamo shares her personal journey from hardship to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She discusses the importance of making deliberate choices to shape one’s destiny and introduces the key principles of her M.IN.D. Set playbook. Marie emphasizes the power of mindset in achieving success, drawing inspiration from extreme athletes and her own experiences in various roles, from administrative assistant to running a consulting practice. She also provides insights on creating a vision, overcoming obstacles, and the significance of persistence. Tune in to learn strategies for simplifying tough life decisions and consciously crafting the life and career you desire.


00:00 Introduction to Choice, Not Chance

00:28 Marie Chindamo’s Personal Journey

01:55 Turning Hardship into Success

04:20 Career Growth and Mindset

07:14 The Power of Mindset

07:32 Learning from Extreme Athletes

10:13 Creating a Vision and Overcoming Obstacles

21:41 Persistence and Teamwork

25:06 Launching the Podcast

29:15 Final Thoughts and Motivation


Episode link/Show notes:


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[Ep 004]: In the inaugural episode of ‘Choice, Not Chance,’ host Marie Chindamo shares her personal journey from hardship to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She discusses the importance of making deliberate choices to shape one’s destiny and introduces the key principles of her M.IN.D. Set playbook. Marie emphasizes the power of mindset in achieving success, drawing inspiration from extreme athletes and her own experiences in various roles, from administrative assistant to running a consulting practice. She also provides insights on creating a vision, overcoming obstacles, and the significance of persistence. Tune in to learn strategies for simplifying tough life decisions and consciously crafting the life and career you desire.


00:00 Introduction to Choice, Not Chance

00:28 Marie Chindamo’s Personal Journey

01:55 Turning Hardship into Success

04:20 Career Growth and Mindset

07:14 The Power of Mindset

07:32 Learning from Extreme Athletes

10:13 Creating a Vision and Overcoming Obstacles

21:41 Persistence and Teamwork

25:06 Launching the Podcast

29:15 Final Thoughts and Motivation

Episode link/Show notes:


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