Embracing Imperfection: From Fear to Fulfillment
I was super comfortable with her, and there was a different vibe when we’re talking. But when I heard the recording after I realized I was cutting her off a lot, you know, and that’s because that’s just how our conversations are, when we talk, we cut each other off. But in my head, I’m like, man, that is horrible. That is like, I’m fulfilling the stereotype of what people do to women. I’m not letting her speak. What a horrible, I’m an absolutely horrible person. I’m a horrible host. All of that thoughts, like they just came into me. Like this is [00:08:00] terrible. And I took a deep breath and I talked to my roommate at the time.
And I was like, man, I don’t know. What should I do? Should I, well, maybe I shouldn’t post it. And she was like, yeah, I don’t think you should post it. And in that moment, I paused and I said, no, I will post this episode. I won’t make judgments about this. I will just post it.
Marie Chindamo: So unedited, you didn’t, did you go back and do anything?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: No,
Did not edit, did not edit, just posted that episode. That episode was the highest number of downloads in season one.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: So had I, listened to other people who have do not have their own podcast. So have no idea about the content creator industry. Had I listened to my inner critic and said, Oh, I shouldn’t do this.
I shouldn’t do that. The truth is we judge ourselves so much more than other people. These are all good questions. I think we should be asking, which I think makes us good coaches, good leaders, good people. [00:09:00] But, those are not like make or break. So what if I made those mistakes? I learned from that. And then when I went back, I now make sure that I let the host complete themselves.
Or if I jump in, I say, Hey, I want to jump in real quick and I’ll let you complete yourself. So I learned from that experience. I applied it, but I didn’t let that experience, that mistake be the full judgment of how I am as a person, or how terrible I am.
And like I said, people loved it. People loved our rapport. People loved that episode. And so because I forced myself, got out of my comfort zone, posted something extremely imperfect, it taught my nervous system how that’s completely okay.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah, and you tell me all the time, right? “It’s you and it is you unfiltered,” right?
In some degree, right? I’m not going out there and, uh, being so inauthentic, but it’s us. And you know, that same experience happened when I interviewed one of my first guests who happens to be my sister. [00:10:00] Well, it wasn’t like I was cutting her off. It was more like I felt so much more casual in the conversation.
Um, and I go back and I listened to it and go, wow, this is a little, has a different tone to it than some of the other interviews I’ve done, but you know what, you’re right. It’s, it’s just genuinely a conversation that brought, brings a lot of things and important information to the surface. So let it be, right.
Let it just let it be.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Absolutely. And now that I go back to season one and I see my videos as a host, even though at that time I thought I was doing pretty well, I have improved so much as a speaker and now I can use that content and say. Here are things that I was doing in season one that I’m not going to be doing in season three.
But had I been like so perfect and editing everything and not putting things out there, I wouldn’t even have had that content. So how are people seeing my journey? How are people seeing me improve? Right? Let people be a part of your journey. Let people see you improve. Let people [00:11:00] Uh, see you fail and I know it’s so scary and I know it’s easier said for some of us than others because for some people, um, and I think, you know, I talked about this a lot in general, you know, that you were kind of, and when I say you, I don’t mean you, I mean like one, as a person, you were almost like not loved if you weren’t perfect.
You know, how many times, especially as women, as girls, we hear, be a good girl, you know, be better, do this. So for us internally, a lot of it is, if I’m not good, I’m not going to be loved. You know, and people don’t talk about that enough, like how all of that that’s these type of things that maybe a lot of men and boys don’t have that women do have to deal with.
And it’s even a different layer if you’re a person of color. Right. So, these are privileges that I’m aware of, right, and that mean being, you know, being able to speak English. [00:12:00] Properly. And like, when I say properly, I mean, like not having English as a second language, uh, and being fluent in it, uh, not having an accent, you know, all those things make me privileged enough to show up and not be too worried about being perfect, but it was still there. Now at all these different layers and it becomes even worse.
Right. So, especially, so when I have like, And when I’m working with women clients or stuff, I’m aware that there was a good girl piece growing up. You better be a good girl. You know, this is going to happen. And I don’t think some of the women and girls were loved enough for being bad for being imperfect.
And that’s what I am hoping or we’re hoping that we can change like, Hey, look, I love you. You can post an imperfect episode. I love you. You know, you are perfect. You are amazing. I think most of the times, like even in our sessions, that’s how I show up. I’m like, dude, you’re [00:13:00] amazing. You know, I think it’s like, yeah.
And it’s, it’s true. It’s, it’s truly how I believe. Well, truly what I believe. Sorry. Go ahead.
Marie Chindamo: No, no, no. And what’s imperfect to one person might be perfect to somebody else too.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Oh my God. Spot on. Yes. You
Marie Chindamo: just. Just you know, a couple of things to, to just resonates with me as you say this is, um, you know, yes, we’re going out to the universe.
We don’t know if we’re going to have one listener or 10,000, right? That’s what spooks me a little bit. It’s like, it’s one thing to navigate the opinions of one, a dozen, a hundred, but now it’s 10,000. Okay. Thank you. God willing, you know, willing. Yeah, things go well. So that shows up for me. Plus, I think it also speaks to our human nature where humans are social creatures, right?
And we want to be accepted by our tribe. So the more we expose ourselves, the more likely people are going to reach out and say, “Hey, I don’t like this,” or “I don’t like the way you said that,” or, you know, infer things. [00:14:00] Um, but you’re right. You have to get out of your own head and just, just have the confidence in whatever it is.
The reasons why we, I started the reason why you started and those out there that are having other, um, Any other ways, vehicles to get their voice out there, right? It’s just, just be you. And I was just thinking this the other night, cause I, as you know, I’m launching the podcast live and you know, this is recording.
So we’re recording now, the end of November in a couple of weeks, it’s launched, you know, it’ll be launched. And I went out and, you know, So I’m going to commit to the December 6th launch party and I’m going to have a live party and all this. And, and I put it out there and I went to bed and in the middle of the night I woke up and said, who, this is the inner voice, right?
Who do I think I am? The people are just going to come out on a Friday night. And celebrate this venture [00:15:00] that’s mine, you know, why do I feel so, why should I feel so important? And I almost talked myself out of it. I woke up in that morning and I posted what I usually post, you know, inspirational posts about thinking big.
And how our subconscious will only give us what we allow it to. Right? And I said, here I am going out there and saying to people, other people, back to giving yourself your own advice, Hey, think big, your subconscious is only going to give you what you, you allow it to. And I’m going to sit here and say that I don’t deserve to have this launch party.
Heck. Now sign the agreement, sent it to the venue that moment and said, Done. I’m, I’m out there. So thanks to you. Cause your voice is always in the back of my head. So lots of thanks to you for that.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Marie, you said like that thing that, what you just said is so perfect because the reason I say that is so many times we get scared and we talk ourselves out of things.
And that’s when you [00:16:00] actually like paused and you said, no, no. And you’re kind of doing You’re doing it with the fear, right? Uh, you’re doing it and you don’t know if it’s going to go perfect. Honestly, we all know events never go perfectly. You know, and only the, but the only the host knows that’s the best part.
Right. When something doesn’t go perfectly, the guests are enjoying the experience. Yeah. That’s how I think about podcasts. When you record them, the host is like, like, for example, me thinking, oh man, I’m cutting this guest off. Oh man. Oh, this is what’s going to happen. But the guests, the people listening.
They don’t give a fuck. They’re like, whatever. This is so much fun. Uh, and the other thing, you know, you, you mentioned about that, that piece of your subconscious will only allow you to be as big as you can be, you know, that is so, so important. It’s interesting because One of my favorite, I, I’m a Bollywood freak.
I love, love, love Bollywood. And I love Shah Rukh Khan. I don’t know if you know Shah Rukh [00:17:00] Khan, but if you don’t, I’m going to send you a lot of pictures of him right after the interview. But basically I have like Shah Rukh Khan posters till today and I’m in my mid thirties. So you know what? This craze is a little freaky, but.
I’m bringing him in to this conversation because he, one of his interviews, he talked about when he was growing as an actor early in early stages, he bought a very expensive house. And the reason he did that is because he, he told himself, I am going to have to work so much harder to make it work to make that house work.
So basically it’s the same thing of thinking bigger and then trying to fit in versus constantly making ourselves smaller. And I’m aware that, you know, that’s not a privilege and many people have, and that’s a risk not many people can take, but we’re talking about in general, if whatever that looks like for you, it doesn’t have to be purchasing a house.
It could be launching a podcast. It could be doing a launch party. It could be [00:18:00] investing in a coach, right? Um, I am going to put that money in there in the coach that I feel I connect with and after that, I’m kind of telling the universe that I’m ready for this. I have the capacity to grow and I’m willing to grow.
So I think that’s super cool.
Marie Chindamo: Absolutely. And I love the idea about investing in yourself. Cause I tell my clients when I coach them, you know, why are you not investing in yourself? Send yourself to that training program that your, your employer may not be willing to do, or, you know, what have you done to learn lately?
Why aren’t you investing in you? If you believe that you have something wonderful to offer an employer, then you should be believe that you should invest yourself in yourself and getting a coach, you know, speaks and coach coaches that have a subject area expertise, right?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: uh huh
Marie Chindamo: know, I reflect back on what you said about some of us don’t know where to start, but you know, I had the kind of the reverse idea in my head.
I’m like, “Oh, launching a [00:19:00] podcast could be so easy. I’m just going to turn on a microphone. I’m going to just speak into the universe. I’m going to share my ideas verbally.” It just seems easier than writing them all down and publishing them. And I’ll tell you what, it’s not as easy as I imagined, but I am making it more difficult for myself with that perfectionist kind of.
You know, introspection on that, but you’re right. There’s a, there’s a part of me that says, I need to learn a lot about this. Hence why I, you know, found you. And I’m so grateful that I have, because there’s just so many intricacies in the process. And if there’s something important to say, why not try to make it You know, as impactful as you can and package it in a way that you can have potentially more viewers than if you didn’t do it the right way, if that makes any sense.
So again, I’m thinking. I’m learning a lot. And I think. I think that. Doing it versus a fixing it mentality is absolutely something I’m learning in the process. So thank you for that.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Yes. A
[00:20:00] hundred percent. And you will get better and better with that when you put more and more imperfect episodes out there.
And you’re going to be like, oh, That one thing that I thought was so imperfect has become my, my best. Episode. I think that gives us the confidence to keep doing it. Perfect. Thanks.
Marie Chindamo: So did you ever feel like giving up?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Oh, I think every day. Um, literally yes, because, and not with the, with the podcast or anything like that, but just in general, um. Entrepreneurship in general, solopreneurship is tough and you know, and you understand that you are one yourself and when you are juggling things.
So when, so when I started the podcast, I didn’t have an online business. I was like, Oh, I’m just going to start this podcast and see where life takes me. And I had heard this, um, this really cool quote, uh, on one of the videos that it said, you know, [00:21:00] I started This guy was like, I stopped making five year plans because five year plans were limiting for me because I didn’t even think about the possibility of miracles and my life taking tangents because I couldn’t even think like that.
So for me, I just started making like one year plans to see where I go in one year and where my life pivots. So that kind of really inspired me to start, like really start my podcast and see where my life will be in five years. You know, um, To, and to kind of losing my train of thought here, this is, this is my ADHD kicking in.
Marie Chindamo: No, we were talking about fears of giving up. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: But basically, there. Back to that. So basically, yeah. Kind of coming back to that piece of, I just started with just a podcast. And we mean, I don’t mean that just a podcast,
Marie Chindamo: were you videoing it or when you say I was videoing it, but I wasn’t putting the
Mahrukh Imtiaz: video out there because I knew I wanted to have raw content in always, but I will only putting audio now.
Then after [00:22:00] that, I started to have people that I wanted to help with the podcast. I was doing that free of charge because I wanted to learn. I wanted to get experience. Um, So then I did those people. Then I realized, Oh, cool. I have something worth having here. People love what I’m doing. Let me start making this a business.
Then you add the business. And then for people who are just listening and not watching this, I’m like kind of rotating plates in my hand, or I can jump wiggling balls. Right. Uh, so there’s like three, then. You know, Oh, let me actually make a group coaching program. Ooh, juggling four balls. Then let me expand to other social media content.
Uh, other social media platforms like LinkedIn. Oh, so now starting in 2021, it was just an audio podcast. Now I have what like 17 to 18 balls, just in my business. This is not thinking about corporate. This is not thinking about my cricket career. This is not thinking about my personal life. So a lot of times when you’re going through things like that, um, you’re, you’re kind of going to [00:23:00] think, okay, well, do I even want to do this?
This is a lot of work, you know, but every time what’s scarier for me is if I wasn’t doing any of this, you know, if I’m like, okay, you know what? I can drop my business today. What happens? And the biggest thing that comes up for me is how boring my life will be without it. Because I love it so much. Even when I hate it, I love it.
Exactly. And the biggest thing, and one of the things I learned from, uh, one of my mentors, Simone, who I think got it from this, uh, book, big magic is. Isn’t it crazy that we put so much pressure on whatever we’re doing, like our podcast, our business, like our business better be successful. Our podcast better be successful.
But what if we turn that around and think of it as My podcast chose me to be its host, like my business chose me to be its [00:24:00] COO or CEO or founder. So it’s a partnership. And when you show up with that energy versus like, it’s like, I mean, the way I think about it is like, imagine having a spouse and saying, you better make this much money or I won’t love you.
You know, imagine doing that. That’s kind of what a lot of people do with their podcasts or with their business. You better do this for me, or I’m not going to like it, or I’m going to drop you. But what if we started showing up with that energy of there? We are, we are in part, my podcast and I are our partners, my business and I are partners and we’re helping each other out.
Versus this better happen for me to love it. And I think that energy shift. for me has really helped me to show up with love, show up with passion and show up with that excitement. Uh, and even with that, there are times when I’m like, Oh, every day I’m like, Oh, do I really want to do this? Let me give up.
But what sucks more than is thinking about a [00:25:00] life without it, which is why I don’t.
Marie Chindamo: Well, you know, to your point, right? Whether it’s. Podcasting in this case, we’re going to talk a little bit more about that, uh, or any venture that takes you out of your comfort zone, right? It’s a, what the gifts that you find in that process, right?
It’s about, us understanding that there are things that we know very little about. You think, you know, a lot of better than you go and start to do it. You’re like, Oh my gosh, I don’t know much at all, but that growth process, it could transfer over into the things you’re doing, you know, in your mainstream part of your life too, right?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Yeah. Yes. Yeah.
Marie Chindamo: So, finding something that pushes you out of your comfort zone is so important. In fact, I read, if we are not pushing ourselves into a discomfort, if we’re not failing at 15 percent of the time, we’re not growing.
And that’s the fact, right? Um, if you’re just too comfortable, then you’re just going to be status quo and that’s not growth.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Yes. Right.
Marie Chindamo: And [00:26:00] you don’t know how much of a new skill that you’re learning that feels so awkward and uncomfortable. For me, it’s like learning all the technology behind it and learning how to construct an interview, which seems so easy and it’s not, um,
Mahrukh Imtiaz: yeah, it’s true.
It’s true.
Marie Chindamo: It’s true. It’s
Mahrukh Imtiaz: simple, but it’s not easy.
Marie Chindamo: Right. And, and I want to underscore something else in two seconds, but I just want to finish the thought. It’s like learning all of those things are transferable skills that could actually embolden what you do regularly, right? And to be part of, hey, the growth process in the world around you.
But speaking of perfection versus imperfection, I stumbled upon, Google Notebook LM. It’s another piece of AI. I don’t know if you’ve had any experience with it.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: I don’t, I haven’t. No.
Marie Chindamo: Okay. So I, I was listening to buzz, buzz sprouts, um, by podcast buzz buzz.
I can’t remember the name of the
Mahrukh Imtiaz: podcast,
Marie Chindamo: but I was listening to their podcast and the hosts on that podcast were referring to this and they pulled it up and [00:27:00] they, what you do is you just dump in a bunch of information and then this is automated interview that comes up. Oh, interesting. Between two people.
That two voices sounds like very human voices that speak as they’re interviewing, like this impending candidate on their show, it’s absolutely mind blowing that they pull all this information together and start this conversation about Mahrukh Imtiaz or any of my other guests because I’ve plugged all of you folks in there.
Yeah. And perfect. Right. It sounds so perfect, but it sounds so fake.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Yeah.
Marie Chindamo: Right. And it’s like, yeah, you know what, there’s some, there’s such a thing as being too perfect.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Oh, a hundred percent. It’s definitely such a thing. And I, for me that, that is something so interesting that you brought up AI because in the world of AI where, you know, AI can literally create videos and it make it sound like us and do things that [00:28:00] literally feels like I’m in video.
It’s so much more important to be more human because that’s how you’re going to differentiate yourself. Just moments ago, I literally said out loud, I lost my train of thought,
Marie Chindamo: right?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: I’m okay with that. And I do that in my podcast as well as a host. And I, sometimes we get back on, sometimes we don’t, and I don’t care.
I leave all of that in unedited in my podcast and people who listen know that, For me, the way I think about it is I want people to see that. Yeah. When I show up, even though I’ve done like hundreds of episodes, like probably like, I think in general from my podcast, guesting and others, probably 500 plus episodes.
I still, till today make human mistakes like, Oh, forgot what I was saying here. I want to get back. I’ve gotten better, but I’m still making mistakes. Uh, and. That’s how I differentiate myself from AI. Mahrukh, who’s gonna be super perfect, but she’s not gonna be me. [00:29:00]
Marie Chindamo: You know, I don’t even think I told the listeners the name of your podcast yet.
So once again, a human fallacy. . So, Mahrukh’s podcast is called Spicy Chai, and you launched Yay. And it, you launched it in 2021, right? Mm-Hmm, . And again, you were terrified. You said you were terrified, right? I was. And the fun part is that. You rank what in the 10 up 10 percent globally is that top 10 percent globally, five years, well, four years later, right?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Four years later. Yeah. And I was in the top 10 percent within the first three months.
Marie Chindamo: Really?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: That’s correct.
Marie Chindamo: Wow. Yes. That’s big shoes to fill. Well, yes. First of all, your, your content is fantastic, and I, what I love about you, you say, just you’re hearing from people that are just a little bit ahead of you.
These aren’t people that like went out and launched a seven figure business yesterday and are on your show today.. Um, [00:30:00] which made me very comfortable with listening from people that were just really practical and down to earth. So for sure you’re hitting the nail on the head there. Thank you for that. And giving us. Absolutely. Yeah,
Mahrukh Imtiaz: absolutely.
And that concept came through because I wanted to learn from them too. That’s that was it. I was done learning from millionaires or people who had a million followers, and I don’t have any hate for them actually have a lot of love for them because it takes so much to get there. But, but I wasn’t learning anything that was practical for me with zero followers to learn.
So, for me I wanted to get there. People who had the 20,000, 30,000, even 5,000, 4,000 followers. And so many of the guests from my season one now have million followers. So it’s super cool for me to look back and say, Oh, what was this person saying? What was that person doing? You know, and I can still continue to do that in season three.
So those are things that are exciting for me.
Marie Chindamo: And then not just podcasts they’re content creators. So they’re [00:31:00] all, that is correct. Right. Yeah. Which is beautiful because everyone has a different knack for how they put their uniqueness out in the world. Yeah. And there’s a lot of crossover in terms of attitude and perspective and, fears.
They’re all the same regardless of whether it’s, video content, whether it’s, creating a channel on YouTube, whether it’s this. They’re all the same and we all share similar, even if you’re not in the podcast world, even if you’re in a corporate world as you are, right. Putting ourselves out there in a professional setting, just in general is yeah.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: a hundred percent. And I think like, it’s, it’s so, so interesting to, have those kind of people show up because when, when I interviewed them, I always learned so much too, aside from my listeners. Cause the questions I ask are questions I have, I’m [00:32:00] actually curious to be like, tell me more about this, dig in, get in, let’s get into the specifics.
But I think for me, the coolest part is even people, who started with 20, 30,000 followers now have millions. Like one of them was Jax Nairn in season two, when he showed up to my podcast, he had 80,000 followers on TikTok. Now he has like 25 million so he’s Some people just go viral with one or two posts and have gone crazy.
So then there was Mark Mettry, who again, when showed up to my podcast, now has like a hundred thousand plus followers on LinkedIn. I think for me, when I. interviewed them, even though at the time they had decent following, they were so down to earth, they had such great advice. And not only that, they were just very, very personable.
And for me, that was right away, a takeaway that this person is going to be successful, because they’re so beautiful as human. Yeah. Go ahead.
Marie Chindamo: Sorry to step on your words. Did you, do you look at some of these individuals as role [00:33:00] models? Who are your role models? Let’s put that out there,
Mahrukh Imtiaz: My role models have shifted quite a bit.
Since I started, uh, my current role model is Simone Soul, one of my mentors, she had an amazing podcast called I am your Korean mom, which she’s actually launching a complete new podcast that she’s removing that. But if you’re listening to this before November 30th, 2024, you might be able to get a chance to listen to that.
The reason why she is my current mentor is not only has she built an online Um, that gains the revenue that it does. It’s like multi-million dollar revenue. But aside from that, she constantly voices her opinions. She’s very strong about how she feels, even if it’s stuff that most people will hate her for.
And she’s bringing up issues that are super important in the online world. So much of our online world is, is. With the, it’s kind of consumed by bros, like there’s a lot of bro marketing, [00:34:00] right? Like, dude, I just did this one post and I had 2 million and blah, blah, blah. And a lot of that is fake. A lot of these people, they just come in, they use these numbers.
I actually had an ex-mentor who would just kind of come to these meetings and say, I just made 25,000 this month. And, it wasn’t actually true. So. I was like, my mind was blown realizing how many people just lie in fake numbers and make it seem like this is so simple. And all you got to do is all you need is an hour a day and you do everything.
And I think what I have done is I have learned from all of those people as well, because I never want to be a coach like that. I think in general, when someone asks, how much time does editing a podcast take? I will say, Hey, depending on the length, but if it’s a 20-minute podcast at the beginning, know that it might take any from an hour to 90 minutes.
It’s easier for me to say, it will take you 20 minutes. You got this, and then gaslight the person when they don’t [00:35:00] do it in 20 minutes. But that’s what I’m learning. Like, no, like, look, at the beginning, it will take more time. You will get better. Eventually, you’ll be so good that you’ll be able to do it.
Oops, sorry, I just touched my mouth. This is when I move my hands too much. Eventually, you’ll be so good that you’ll be able to do it in no time. I know what I mean, know my time that 90 minutes will turn down, turn to 45 and then 30 eventually with practice, but at start it will take you time and that’s okay because that is the part of learning.
You are a beginner. You’re a beginner at something and that is the fun part. Embrace that. Embrace that childlike curiosity.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah. And your coaching to me was a couple of things around that, right? Is understand the technology to a degree. Maybe not at an expert level, but to some degree, so you really understand the functionality of it and right.
Try to edit yourself just so you can see what it’s capable of. And, um, and then maybe some of us. We’ll hand it off to a more seasoned expert. Your who’s versus how. Using your expertise in what [00:36:00] you are really good at and allowing someone else to do the how, right? So I’m on that crossroad right now.
It’s like giving up a little bit of control. Yeah.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: I think It 100 percent I think when anyone when you’re starting out anything so and for this example, I’ll use the podcast. If you’re starting out a podcast. I highly recommend that you do your own editing. And even if you plan to give it off to some another editor after or producer after, but at the beginning when you do your own editing, because I did mine for the first season and half a second season before I outsource that.
Okay. I learned so much more about my skills as a host. Oh, I do this a lot. Oh, this could be better. And so I was learning to become a better host by editing. Cause I was like, Oh, let me make sure I do this. When I make a mistake, like clap, you know, that way it’s very clear that there’s a line and this is [00:37:00] where I made a mistake.
So it’ll be easier for me to edit. And so now I apply all of that when I’m doing my solo recordings and have to. Past things to my editor. So A:, I’m actually making things a lot easier for my editor and B if for any reason, my editor choose to chooses to leave me, I’m not worried. I actually know how to do the work.
I have all the systems to do the work. It’s just, it might not be done as soon as they do it, or I might have time to find another one, but I’m not like, Oh my God, I don’t even know how to do this. So anytime you’re starting anything, I feel like. Do it yourself first, because A, you might love it. So if you love it, there’s one sign of mine and she would always say something like, I love it when, you know, you cut that piece.
And she does it even on GarageBand. Um, which is, I mean I recommend Descript now ’cause it’s so much easier. But GarageBand is the Apple version of Mm-Hmm. audio editing. And she’s like, I love it when you clip, take the clip and you press delete and then you merge. And that makes me feel like I’m so technologically [00:38:00] advanced.
uh, and I was like, dude. Keep doing it then.
Marie Chindamo: Yeah.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Keep
doing it. You don’t have to outsource it. If that actually truly brings you joy, then do it, right? So you learn when you do all the things yourself, what do you actually like and what do you not like? And then you could start as you grow and grow and grow, um, you can start outsourcing the stuff you don’t like.
Marie Chindamo: And to your point, the, just viewing yourself. Re and listening it. Listening to it and watching it. You, you see the subtle nuances like Chris McAvoy, one of your other students, uh, yeah. Who’s a lovely human being too. And his podcast, ’cause I’m bringing him out here, is “Speak like your Wealth Depends on it.”
Yeah. Uh, he talks about shadow moves, so when you’re on camera too, at the same time as you’re podcasting, just to have that video for future use or whatever. Um, you are like aware of your facial expressions, you know, your, your hand movements, your gestures, um, you know, the arms, right. [00:39:00] Just all of that little stuff that goes on when you’re having a natural conversation.
So I watch it back and sometimes I’m like, I watched too much of myself and I get a little cringed out, like,
Mahrukh Imtiaz: but
Marie Chindamo: it’s all part of the learning process. Yeah. Right. It’s all part of the learning process. A hundred
Mahrukh Imtiaz: percent. And I think like. It’s so interesting because for me too, um, it was, it was never, uh, for me, a lot of people, when they, they did launch their podcast, they’d like, oh, I hate listening to my voice or I don’t like seeing myself on camera.
That wasn’t a problem for me. The only reason, because I actually really worked on it, every time I would look at myself and if I wanted to say a criticism, I would pause and I would say something nice. Oh, like for example, Oh, I cut off this person so much. I’m going to pause. And I also asked really amazing questions.
Like, Oh my God, what an amazing opportunity that I gave her to answer such amazing questions, you know? So, Over time, as you keep doing that, your brain starts shifting [00:40:00] and your neuro chemicals start shifting and start making different attachments. And this is like, there’s a lot of science back stuff into with this.
But even when I’m now watching my podcast episode and my brain goes, this sucks. I literally go like, well, let me find five things I did well. Cool. I did this really well. I did that really well. I showed up like this. Uh, and I think that is super helping me and showing up with different energy as well as I keep going from podcast to podcast.
Marie Chindamo: Well, thank you for that. So we’re going to start wrapping it up because I know you’re a very busy woman. Before we do, I have a couple of final questions. Where can our listeners find you, your services?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: yeah. So I’m most active on LinkedIn. If you search Maruk Imtiaz, M A H R U K H, and then last name Imtiaz, I M T I A Z, yes, I’m a Canadian.
So I say Zed, so if you search that on LinkedIn, that’s where I’m most active in terms of [00:41:00] social media, but you can go to mahrukimtiaz.Com to see my site, and that’s where you’ll find all the cool resources. If you think I’m cool and you want to, Get more of me. You can go to Spicy Chai podcast and listen to some of the content.
Marie Chindamo: Oh, you are cool for sure. So just a couple of final questions for you. You did tell me where you found your inspiration initially, right? And I don’t remember the woman’s name, so forgive me, but I’m sure it’ll be in the, in the notes if you want to repeat her name.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Uh, Simone Soule, my mentor.
Yes, yes. My current mentor is Simone Soule, yes.
She’s still my role model
for sure.
Marie Chindamo: She’s still your current mentor, then? Yes,
Mahrukh Imtiaz: that’s correct.
Marie Chindamo: And so, a couple final questions, follow up questions. What significant life choices Do you see yourself focusing on in the near future?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: That’s I really love that question cause it’s making me think I have something I do, which is called word of the year. I learned it from one of my friends, Aaron [00:42:00] Baker, and this year’s word of the year for me and I’m literally turning around and looking at my post-it, it was “Health.”
Mahrukh Imtiaz: and in the previous year it has been “Play”, and in the previous year I had “Execute,”, but I use that word because it has different linkages to different things.
The health could mean spiritual health, mental health, financial health, physical health, relationship health. It could mean a lot of things, but what it does is it helps me focus on when I’m doing something new. Does this align to my word of the year? And if it doesn’t in any way, shape or form, I don’t do it.
So, um, can you repeat your question back? Cause I’m good.
Marie Chindamo: Significant life choice or choices that you might be focusing on in the near future.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Right. So I think I mentioned all of that. The word of the year is because with that health, it’s super important for me that I surround [00:43:00] myself with healthy individuals who think in a healthy manner.
And I think my significant life choices is going through my social media content, uh, and going and unblocking. Oh, no, I’m not unblocking, blocking creators. That again, we talked about bro marketing, um, you know, that are just like, yeah, just hustle, hustle, hustle, do this, do that. They don’t keep in mind all the privilege that they’ve had, like, you know, versus other people might not.
So I think focusing on that this year already has helped me and I’m going to continue going crazy on that. The second choice that I’m making is to show up in a way that’s more specific and more true to myself. In the past, and I’ll say this quickly, I didn’t even put my picture on season one of Spicy Chai because I was like, oh, I’m a brown girl.
What if that does deflect people from Clicking on podcast. [00:44:00] So I didn’t even put a picture on season one. I changed that in season two. Uh, i’m gonna have a very big picture of me on season three podcast cover art. Yeah So all of that is to say i’m showing up also sharing my opinions Even though I’m scared there’s going to be backlash, showing up, sharing specific stories, and the reason why I’m doing that, and these are things I’m choosing to do it, not because I want, like I have to, is because I’m making the choice of showing up as me and Being okay with not being everyone’s cup of tea and that’s the intentional choice I’m making because that is the healthy way in my opinion to go about life.
Marie Chindamo: That’s so important that you say that. Um, showing up as you and that provides me a great deal of comfort when I see you acting so naturally in your environment and pieces that you put out there. Um, just unfiltered. It’s just, it helps us all see that we are allowed to be human. [00:45:00] Yes, right. Um, back to what you said earlier about unblocking or blocking, right?
Um, surrounding yourself with people with like minded values, right? Um, it’s, I say it all the time, we are a product of the five people we spend the most time with, right? Where we spend that energy, the books that we read, that all makes us part of who we are. And we have to be really sensitive about that, right?
And so good for you that you’ve, you know, found. You know, ways to sort of kind of curate your environment so that you are exposing yourself to people that are going to support your health, mental, spiritual, physical, emotional, right? Because if you don’t do that for yourself, who’s going to do it for you?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Right. Exactly. I agree.
Marie Chindamo: Well, Mahrukh, thank you so much for taking time from your incredibly busy schedule. Um, I’m gonna, I didn’t want to ask how many hours you sleep because it’s not probably not very many.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Eight plus.
Marie Chindamo: Oh, you do?
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Sometimes 10 plus. Yes. Okay. I don’t know how. It’s super [00:46:00] important to me. My friends call me Panda Bear.
Marie Chindamo: Well, good for you. And to everyone listening, remember that you are not alone when you feel apprehension around making a pivotal change in your life. And focus on the tremendous power within you, your uniqueness, put those antennas up to read the world around you so that you can get resources and find support to make your endeavor successful.
So thanks again, Mahrukh, and you have a great day.
Mahrukh Imtiaz: Thanks, Marie.
Marie Chindamo: Bye.
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Awaken your superpowers and achieve what your heart desires. If you gain value from today’s episode, subscribe to Apple [00:47:00] podcast and DM me on LinkedIn to let me know how this episode has helped you. Be sure to listen next time to hear more strategies for simple and powerful choices.
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A little bit about our guest, Mahrukh Imtiaz:
A little bit about Mahrukh Imtiaz:
My life seemed picture-perfect, but I knew I was meant for more. While working in my corporate role, I realized I was helping so many people outside of work that I might have something valuable to share. A podcast was calling out to me but I was too scared about anyone really caring about what I have to say. While thriving in a fast-paced corporate role and managing my cricket career, I FINALLY launched a podcast in 2021. A podcast that’s now ranked in the top 10%. Since 2021, I’ve built an audience of 10,000+, hosted six-figure side hustlers, and been invited as a podcast guest. Navigating the chaos is fun for me. So now, I help others make podcasting fun, easy, and stress-free, even with a busy schedule. If you’re ready to launch your message into the world, let’s connect!
- 2021: Launched a podcast ranked in the top 10% globally.
- Built an audience of 10,000+ followers across platforms.
- Hosted six-figure side hustlers as guests on my podcast.
- Featured as a podcast guest multiple times.
- Successfully balanced a fast-paced corporate career and a competitive cricket career while growing my podcast and online business.
- Help busy professionals make podcasting fun, easy, and stress-free without compromising their schedules.
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Show Highlights
[Ep 009]:
Embracing Imperfection: Navigating Fears and Finding Success with Mahrukh Imtiaz
In this episode of ‘Choice, not Chance: Simplifying Success,’ host Marie Chindano welcomes Mahrukh Imtiaz, a podcast coach and trusted advisor, to discuss overcoming fears, embracing imperfection, and finding inspiration. Mahrukh shares her journey of transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a successful content creator and podcaster, highlighting the importance of starting imperfectly and learning from experiences. The conversation touches on the challenges of entrepreneurship, the significance of investing in oneself, and the value of staying true to one’s unique voice.
00:00 Introduction to ‘Choice, Not Chance’
00:42 Meet Mahrukh Imtiaz: From Corporate Success to Personal Fulfillment
02:27 Overcoming Fears and Embracing Imperfection
05:43 The Journey of Podcasting: Lessons and Reflections
09:42 The Importance of Authenticity and Personal Growth
20:19 Balancing Entrepreneurship and Personal Life
24:18 Shifting Energy in Business and Podcasts
25:03 The Growth Process and Comfort Zones
25:59 Learning New Skills and Technology
26:34 The Role of AI in Content Creation
28:09 Embracing Imperfection and Human Mistakes
29:00 Introduction to Spicy Chai Podcast
29:43 Learning from Practical Role Models
31:02 The Importance of Authenticity
36:12 Advice for Aspiring Podcasters
41:40 Significant Life Choices and Future Focus
45:45 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Have a question/comment or just want to chat? Email me at [email protected]
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For LinkedIn
[Ep 009]:
Embracing Imperfection: Navigating Fears and Finding Success with Mahrukh Imtiaz
In this episode of ‘Choice, not Chance: Simplifying Success,’ host Marie Chindano welcomes Mahrukh Imtiaz, a podcast coach and trusted advisor, to discuss overcoming fears, embracing imperfection, and finding inspiration. Mahrukh shares her journey of transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a successful content creator and podcaster, highlighting the importance of starting imperfectly and learning from experiences. The conversation touches on the challenges of entrepreneurship, the significance of investing in oneself, and the value of staying true to one’s unique voice.
00:00 Introduction to ‘Choice, Not Chance’
00:42 Meet Mahrukh Imtiaz: From Corporate Success to Personal Fulfillment
02:27 Overcoming Fears and Embracing Imperfection
05:43 The Journey of Podcasting: Lessons and Reflections
09:42 The Importance of Authenticity and Personal Growth
20:19 Balancing Entrepreneurship and Personal Life
24:18 Shifting Energy in Business and Podcasts
25:03 The Growth Process and Comfort Zones
25:59 Learning New Skills and Technology
26:34 The Role of AI in Content Creation
28:09 Embracing Imperfection and Human Mistakes
29:00 Introduction to Spicy Chai Podcast
29:43 Learning from Practical Role Models
31:02 The Importance of Authenticity
36:12 Advice for Aspiring Podcasters
41:40 Significant Life Choices and Future Focus
45:45 Final Thoughts and Farewell
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Listen on Spotify – THIS EPISODE (insert Link)
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[Ep 009]:
Embracing Imperfection: Navigating Fears and Finding Success with Mahrukh Imtiaz
In this episode of ‘Choice, not Chance: Simplifying Success,’ host Marie Chindano welcomes Mahrukh Imtiaz, a podcast coach and trusted advisor, to discuss overcoming fears, embracing imperfection, and finding inspiration. Mahrukh shares her journey of transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a successful content creator and podcaster, highlighting the importance of starting imperfectly and learning from experiences. The conversation touches on the challenges of entrepreneurship, the significance of investing in oneself, and the value of staying true to one’s unique voice.
00:00 Introduction to ‘Choice, Not Chance’
00:42 Meet Mahrukh Imtiaz: From Corporate Success to Personal Fulfillment
02:27 Overcoming Fears and Embracing Imperfection
05:43 The Journey of Podcasting: Lessons and Reflections
09:42 The Importance of Authenticity and Personal Growth
20:19 Balancing Entrepreneurship and Personal Life
24:18 Shifting Energy in Business and Podcasts
25:03 The Growth Process and Comfort Zones
25:59 Learning New Skills and Technology
26:34 The Role of AI in Content Creation
28:09 Embracing Imperfection and Human Mistakes
29:00 Introduction to Spicy Chai Podcast
29:43 Learning from Practical Role Models
31:02 The Importance of Authenticity
36:12 Advice for Aspiring Podcasters
41:40 Significant Life Choices and Future Focus
45:45 Final Thoughts and Farewell
For Facebook
[Ep 009]:
Embracing Imperfection: Navigating Fears and Finding Success with Mahrukh Imtiaz
In this episode of ‘Choice, not Chance: Simplifying Success,’ host Marie Chindano welcomes Mahrukh Imtiaz, a podcast coach and trusted advisor, to discuss overcoming fears, embracing imperfection, and finding inspiration. Mahrukh shares her journey of transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a successful content creator and podcaster, highlighting the importance of starting imperfectly and learning from experiences. The conversation touches on the challenges of entrepreneurship, the significance of investing in oneself, and the value of staying true to one’s unique voice.
00:00 Introduction to ‘Choice, Not Chance’
00:42 Meet Mahrukh Imtiaz: From Corporate Success to Personal Fulfillment
02:27 Overcoming Fears and Embracing Imperfection
05:43 The Journey of Podcasting: Lessons and Reflections
09:42 The Importance of Authenticity and Personal Growth
20:19 Balancing Entrepreneurship and Personal Life
24:18 Shifting Energy in Business and Podcasts
25:03 The Growth Process and Comfort Zones
25:59 Learning New Skills and Technology
26:34 The Role of AI in Content Creation
28:09 Embracing Imperfection and Human Mistakes
29:00 Introduction to Spicy Chai Podcast
29:43 Learning from Practical Role Models
31:02 The Importance of Authenticity
36:12 Advice for Aspiring Podcasters
41:40 Significant Life Choices and Future Focus
45:45 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Episode link/Show notes:
Listen on Spotify – ALL EPISODES
Listen on Spotify – THIS EPISODE (insert Link)
Listen to this Episode on Amazon Music (embed link)
For Instagram
[Ep 009]:
Embracing Imperfection: Navigating Fears and Finding Success with Mahrukh Imtiaz
In this episode of ‘Choice, not Chance: Simplifying Success,’ host Marie Chindano welcomes Mahrukh Imtiaz, a podcast coach and trusted advisor, to discuss overcoming fears, embracing imperfection, and finding inspiration. Mahrukh shares her journey of transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a successful content creator and podcaster, highlighting the importance of starting imperfectly and learning from experiences. The conversation touches on the challenges of entrepreneurship, the significance of investing in oneself, and the value of staying true to one’s unique voice.
00:00 Introduction to ‘Choice, Not Chance’
00:42 Meet Mahrukh Imtiaz: From Corporate Success to Personal Fulfillment
02:27 Overcoming Fears and Embracing Imperfection
05:43 The Journey of Podcasting: Lessons and Reflections
09:42 The Importance of Authenticity and Personal Growth
20:19 Balancing Entrepreneurship and Personal Life
24:18 Shifting Energy in Business and Podcasts
25:03 The Growth Process and Comfort Zones
25:59 Learning New Skills and Technology
26:34 The Role of AI in Content Creation
28:09 Embracing Imperfection and Human Mistakes
29:00 Introduction to Spicy Chai Podcast
29:43 Learning from Practical Role Models
31:02 The Importance of Authenticity
36:12 Advice for Aspiring Podcasters
41:40 Significant Life Choices and Future Focus
45:45 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Episode link/Show notes:
Listen on Spotify – ALL EPISODES
Listen on Spotify – THIS EPISODE (insert Link)
Listen to this Episode on Amazon Music (embed link)
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