Tips for Success

Ask Marie

Dear Marie,

I am having trouble connecting with my new direct report as well as one of my department colleagues. I am frustrated, since I did not have problems establishing rapport or communicating with the co-workers in my other department. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I almost feel like they are conspiring to see me fail. For example, during our department meeting last week I asked for input on a new idea. As customary, both individuals had little to contribute. Yet, I saw them together discussing their ideas in private the following day.

How do you suggest I handle this?

– Peter D.

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Dear Marie,

I hate my job. I have been there for 4 ½ years and I just can’t stand my supervisor any longer, and I am starting to get disgusted with the company culture. HR is useless and I do not see any way to change this environment. I have started applying for other jobs, but it is difficult to get my resume noticed because I haven’t gotten any calls. I need to get out of this company as soon as possible.

How can I get my resume noticed?

– Natalia

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Dear Marie,

I have been leading a very busy finance department for several years and approximately 2 months ago I hired a senior person to join my team. I envisioned the role to be a mentor to the others and also have constructive interactions with our clients. The person I hired is very bright but has some unfavorable personality traits that make it difficult for others in the department to work with him. I am concerned with these “red flags” and the possible limitations his personality may create. I don’t want to make a hasty decision, especially since some help is better than no help.

What should I do?

– Robert T.

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Dear Marie,

I was let go from my last job because I had trouble meeting my deadlines. I felt that it was unfair because I was the hardest working person in my department and had an unreasonable workload. I have been searching for a new job for almost 6 months now and I am starting to feel hopeless. I think part of the problem may be because I do not want to list my last supervisor as a reference, and I have to explain the reason for leaving my last job.

What can I do to help improve my chances of getting a new job?

– Samantha D.

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Dear Marie,

I have been with my current company for 7 years, and in my current job for the past 2 years. I love the people I work with and most of the work I do. When the company promoted me to supervisor 2 years ago, I was extremely happy at work. My manager had been very engaging with me and I felt like my work was challenging and rewarding, and most of all – I felt appreciated. Now I am not being challenged, my manager hardly interacts with me, and when I do solve a problem or present a creative idea I feel very unappreciated. I don’t want to quit, but I am tired of feeling uninspired and overlooked.

What should I do?

– Stephanie S.

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